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"Get Hooked on Arkansas"

Little Red River Comments

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User: vinny60
Comment: The secret to fishing the Little Red is light tackle and small lures. Ultralight spinning rigs and two- to four-pound line are popular. Most trout are taken on bait, rather than artificial simply because more anglers use it. Whole kernel corn, redworms, nightcrawlers, waxworms, salmon eggs, and Velveeta cheese all take their share. Favorite artificials for Little Red trout include marabou jigs, small spinners and spoons, and crayfish- and minnow-imitation crank-baits. But one of the most productive techniques involves a curious marriage between bait and artificial This rig consists of a small, clear bobber rigged about four or five feet above a brown feather jig, on the barb of which is impaled a small white waxworm. The rig is cumbersome to cast, but that's acceptable since the proper fishing technique is to work the lure in as slowly as possible. During highwater, driftfishing with the current is favored. Bait is cast upstream and allowed to bump the bottom as it drags behind the boat. On low water, stillfishing deep holes, weedbeds, and timber from an anchored boat is preferred. The Little Red is also one of Arkansas's most popular flyfishing streams, and the many shoals exposed during low water periods offer ideal locations to hook a hefty trout on a variety of fly patterns. Arkansas's trout season never closes, but many of the larger fish are taken from October through February.
Date: 09/14/09 10:47 AM

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